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7º Congreso Forestal Español. Plasencia. Cáceres.

Plasencia (Cáceres) Plasencia. Cáceres., España

El 7º Congreso Forestal Español tedrá lugar en Plasencia (Cáceres) , del 26 al 30 de Junio, 2017. El lema del Congreso es: "Gestión del Monte: servicios ambientales y bioeconomía". Acceso a la Página Web del Congreso 7 º Congreso Forestal español  

STTC Conference. «Sustainably Sourced Tropical Timber. Selling a positive story».

Aarhus. Dinamarca. Hotel Comwell.

STTC Conference: "Sustainably Sourced Tropical Timber. Selling a positive Story". Con la participacion de AEIM. For too long the European tropical timber trade has been on the defensive. An automatic link has been forged in consumers’ and specifiers’ minds between tropical timber, illegal logging and deforestation in many countries. This has combined with lack of awareness of the availability of sustainably sourced timber from well-managed tropical forests and the overall result is that the reputation and market success of all tropical timber has suffered. The 2017 European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC) Conference will be the opportunity to discuss and learn how to sell the truly positive story that sustainably sourced tropical timber has to tell;  to review the challenge and, share knowledge and best practice with colleagues from across Europe on marketing this valuable and versatile material.  It will also be an excellent occasion to network with buyers, suppliers and specifiers. […]

Expobiomasa. Valladolid.


Tras el éxito de la pasada edición, Expobiomasa 2017 unirá en sólo 4 días a todos los profesionales relacionados con el pujante mercado de la biomasa: empresas de maquinaria forestal e industrias de biocombustibles sólidos y pellets, fabricantes, distribuidores e instaladores de sistemas de climatización, en especial soluciones con estufas y calderas, industrias y grandes consumidores de calor, agua caliente y vapor de proceso; además de toda la industria auxiliar, ingenierías, ESEs, grupos de inversión,… es decir, todos los profesionales que participan en generar ahorros a los consumidores de biomasa. Acceso a la Web de Expobiomasa

Washington Forest Legality Week. Del 17 al 19 de Octubre. Organizado por «Forest Legality Initiative».

Washington D.C

Washington Forest Legality Week. Del 17 al 19 de Octubre. Organizado por "Forest Legality Initiative". Building on the tradition of the Forest Legality Alliance semi-annual partners’ meeting that WRI hosted in past years, we are pleased to announce that WRI will host the first “Washington Forest Legality Week” October 17-19, with the generous support and cooperation of the U.S. Forest Service. The Washington Forest Legality Week is intended to enable dialogue and inspire action and partnerships to more effectively implement and monitor timber trade legality and due diligence measures. It is a multi-stakeholder, international event, drawing stakeholders from governments, the private sector, civil society, the scientific community, and service providers such as timber certification bodies. The meeting will take place over three days, and is designed to accommodate a range of side meetings and interactions convened by partner organizations. Acceso al programa (provisional) Organiza:  ForestLegality Initiative.

Asamblea General de UNEMADERA. Barcelona. 27, Octubre, 2017.

Barcelona Foment del Treball

La Asamblea General ordinaria de UNEmadera (Unión Empresarial de la Madera y el Mueble de España) tendrá lugar en Barcelona el 27 de Octubre, 2017. En representación de AEIM participará el Presidente Carles Alberch. El lugar de celebración es BARCELONA. FOMENTO DEL TRABAJO. Via Laietana, 32.